Indian Horse: a novel (2012) by Richard Wagamese

As someone who does not typically pay for works of fiction to read, as they are not a genre that I find myself particularly drawn to, I quickly picked up this work by Richard Wagamese based on the enjoyment I experienced when reading Ragged Company (2008) some years ago. With major themes which include alcoholism, residential schools, and belonging I was quickly hooked on this read and didn't put it down until it was finished.

The imagery crafted by the author is so incredibly vivid that I found myself on many occasions forgetting this was a work of fiction and not one of reality. Even with this being the case, the narrative created throughout Indian Horse has me continually thinking about the (true) stories of Indigenous children which were captured in this novel.

Knowing that there is a movie of the same name available to watch on Netflix I am hoping to view it over the Christmas holidays to help spark some additional thoughts about this novel and the themes contained within.