Posts in category “Thinking”

Having spent a total of 6 hours in the past 36 hours shoveling snow, it feels good to come home after a long day of work and not need to spend more time outside digging our home out of the first big snowfall.

We live in Canada, and in a snow belt, so this dumping of snow shouldn't be a surprise. However, with climate change and global warming winter scenes lie we're currently having are fewer and far between as the years past.

I've updated my Holiday Films 2024 watch list with Home Alone 3 (1997) and Ernest Saves Christmas (1988). Short synopsis on both— PASS.

Anyone thinking that moving to BlueSky or Threads will end up any different than the downfall of Twitter is dead wrong.

Remember, the fellow who started Twitter and sold it to the highest bidder also started BlueSky. And, the folks who run Threads also run the most detrimental-to-your-health platform in the history of the internet.

History repeats itself because we're collectively stupid and allow it to repeat.

Big Bang Theory characters in order of deepest character development and show impact:

  1. Amy Farrah Fowler
  2. Stuart
  3. Raj
  4. Penny
  5. Bernadette
  6. Howard
  7. Leonard
  8. Sheldon

In order of most annoying / rude / I could do without:

  1. Sheldon
  2. Howard
  3. Bernadette
  4. Raj
  5. Kripke
  6. Leonard
  7. Penny
  8. Stuart

Shortest to tallest:

  1. Howard
  2. Bernadette
  3. Leonard
  4. Raj
  5. Amy Farrah Fowler
  6. Penny
  7. Sheldon

Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!

I forgot (to watch it). 👺