I have a hard time explaining what it is, exactly, that I do. An activist, entrepreneur, photographer, and citizen, I've worn enough hats to open a haberdashery. I have been a Faculty Member at Fanshawe College, researcher at Western University and the leader of Emerging Leaders, a local not-for-profit organization. I am the founder or co-founder of too many other ventures to list and spend most of my time working towards creating more engaging civic spaces.

My current project, blockpartyinabox.com, is a resource kit that can be used by anyone wanting to plan a block party for their street, community or neighbourhood of any size. With pre-made posters, checklists, games and other resources, blockpartyinabox.com allows you to plan and execute a successful block party without breaking a sweat.

This year (2013) I'm working towards living a more intentional life and having this influence the work I choose to complete. I'm striving to make an impact both nationally & globally while using my locality to experiment with ideas, fail gracefully and develop my creativity, all while improving the places I call home.

For the first time in my life I've set goals, lofty ones, and I'll be damned if I don't achieve them.